An all-inclusive guide to steaming tamales with or without a steamer

Last Updated on February 22, 2023

Want to learn how to cook tamales step by step? A traditional tamale is a Mesoamerican dish that is made from masa. Tamale is one example of a popular cuisine that has been popular since the ancient period. For steaming tamales, you will need a tamale steamer, a multi-tier steam pot, a bamboo steamer, or just a plain old stockpot with a steamer basket. The process of steaming tamales is much more effortless than rolling. Even if you can not get a ready-made steamer, you can utilize your steamer basket by hanging it up and using any heat-proof object to hold the tamales above the water and help the steam penetrate them. You can also reheat the tamales without steaming them by deep frying them or cooking them intensely on the grill.

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How long do I steam tamales?

Steaming tamales is not a timely work. If you want to steam tamales, you must put the lid on top. You should find something heavy to bend down the cover set in the steam. Now cook the tamales on the stove on high heat. You will cook it for 4.5 to 6  hours. The tamale flour cooking is completed when the corn shells pull away quickly. 

How long does it take to cook raw tamales?

After 30  minutes of cooking, you will check the tamales for doneness. Although the process needs 45 to 120 minutes, it depends on the capacity of the stove and the using a steamer, in case you steam rawly frozen or freshly prepared tamales. 

How to Steam Tamales with a steamer?

Can you steam tamales? Tamales are so delicious to eat, but if you want to enjoy the taste, you should take some steps to steam them. The steaming process of tamales is easy. You are going to get the methods of cooking.
How to Steam Tamales with a steamerCheck Latest Price

The most effective way for steaming tamales is to use a steamer that includes multiple compartments. The compartments will stay far from one another as the water layer can not touch the place Tamale. For making your tamales wet, keep enough water at the bottom of the pot, and keep the tamales with husks on the top. The steamers are designed to keep the water at the bottom level and keep the tamales up without touching the layer of water. The steamers with multiple compartments can help you follow the process without any problem.

  1. Fill a large pot with sufficient water. If you have to make a considerable amount of tamales, you should take a broad-sized pot. 
  2. Organize the tamales nicely in the pot.
  3. Set it on a stove carefully.
  4. Start boiling 
  5. Check whether it is cooked enough.

While cooking under high pressure, you should boil them for about twenty minutes. 

How do you steam tamales without a steamer?

Are you looking for some ways to steam tamales without a steamer? There are many options for you.
How to steam tamales without a steamerCheck Latest Price

First, you can take three aluminum foil sheets for your steaming in the easiest way. Now roll the sheets up into basketball-size balls. Then flow in here about an inch of water after setting them just at the bottom of the pot. Keep the plate relaxed on the top of the foil balls. Add the tamales that you are trying to steam on the plate. Cover the pot with a close-fitting lid to steam away from the tamales. The process will help you to steam tamales at ease without a steamer. 

There is another process to steam tamales if you want to get this without a steamer. Do you have any steamer baskets? Do not worry; it is the second most straightforward way to steam tamales. You do not need to manage any special equipment to steam tamales to fulfilling your wish to steam them without a steamer. If you want to steam tamales without a steamer, you must set up tamales above the boiling water. Now, allow the steam to penetrate them. Use a metal strainer or an overturned bowl. You can also grill or pan-fry the tamales for steaming at ease.  

How to steam tamales in the oven

How to steam tamales in the ovenCooking tamales in conventional ovens is not the only perfect way to steam them. The cookers are not suitable to do this. But, if you have no other way to apply, you can use an oven for cooking your tamales to save a long time. For steaming tamales in the range, you should-

Step 1: Turn on the oven at a minimum temperature.

Following the method of steaming tamales, you can easily understand that you have to keep the oven at a lower temperature to prevent tamales from drying than the actual pieces. You can control the standard of tamales by controlling the temperature of your oven. 

Step 2: Prepare the tamales according to the recipe

Now is the time to decorate the tamale recipe of your choice. It is essential to beautify a recipe before presenting it to enjoy taste and texture. 

Step 3: Arrange the tamales in the cooking utensil

Place a steam rack and arrange your tamales in it. You have to wait a while after following the process of keeping it at a low temperature. 

Step 4: Pour water

Pour one cup of boiling water into the dish placed into the woven. When your tamales are hotter, take them out as the steaming process is completed. 

How to steam frozen tamales

How to steam frozen tamalesFrozen tamales are the items conserved in the freezer. However, their steaming process is closer to the method mentioned in this article; you will get more ones for your necessity. 

  • Use a steamer

For steaming frozen tamales, you have to use a steamer, the same as steaming unfrozen tamales. You may use a large pot with a steamer or only a dedicated steamer to cook your food after freezing. 

  • Add water

Before arranging the tamales, add some water to the steamer for steaming your items. Arrange the tamales vertically and space between the water and the basket. Keep the steamer open-end fronting upward. If your arrangement is perfect, your steaming will also be good. 

  • Cook for enough time

As you will steam frozen tamales, you have to take care of the temperature. You know you need about one and a half hours to cook fresh tamales; likely, you will keep one more hour in your hand to cook frozen tamales to remove the icy and cold characteristics from them. 


What is better- Is it steaming or baking tamales?

There are many ways to save food, like tamales. Cooking, steaming, baking, and other methods help to keep tamales well. For making your Tamale long-lasting, the steaming process is better. Through your dish in the steamer and get ready. But you should also have some knowledge about the process. 

How long should I steam tamales?

For retaining the Mexican Tamales’ original flavor and texture, you have to follow the gold standard of reheating and steaming tamales. You will keep them in their shells for steaming tamales and boil them for fifteen to twenty minutes. If the tamales are frozen, you can wait for about ten minutes.

How much water should I put in the steamer?

Add a cup of water to the pot, then keep the steamer basket in it. The process will help you to obstruct touching the water while steaming. 

How to keep tamales warm all day?

Do you want to make your tamales warm for better taste? To fulfilling your demand, first, preheat the oven to 425°F, then keep the tamales carefully in it. You have to wrap the tamales firmly in a few layers with aluminum foil. The covering process of tamales will save them from the oven’s high heat. 


Steaming tamales is easy to do, but you should practice a lot, do the preparative work at random, and try your best to make it better. Each batch of cooking is different; for example, today, your prepared Tamale has an excellent taste and texture, but two days later, it will not be the same as that. So, you have to practice making your tamales better than the previous ones. Another thing you should be sure of is that you must have husks or banana leaves before making tamales; they can arrange your tamales easily. Tamales are foods that have sound variation; as a result, you can steam them in a steamer, convection oven, pressure cooker, or any other material. Tamale is delicious food that is simple to prepare and enjoy at your leisure.

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