Is the Nuwave oven an air fryer?

Last Updated on January 27, 2024

People in this world are developing their thoughts and trying to get the best things for everyday use. The NuWave oven is one of the best ones, and it has several excellent features. But can you fry with a Nuwave oven? Let’s find out.

Can you use a Nuwave oven as an air fryer?

Yes, we can fry with a NuWave oven.

What is an air fryer? An air fryer is a type of conventional oven. But, actually, it does not fry your food. There is a basket-like compartment in an air fryer, and it has a heating mechanism. Hot air circulates within an air fryer, cooking the food in the process.

NuWave is an oven brand that was introduced in 2002. Their ovens are different from conventional air fryers in several aspects. There is infrared technology in the NuWave ovens.

The NuWave is a multipurpose oven. It has not only an oven mechanism but also an air-frying capacity. There are several uses for a NuWave oven, including roasting, grilling, steaming, boiling, baking, air frying, and others.

What are the differences between NuWave and the typical air fryers?

Although NuWave products can air fry, they have some differences from typical air fryers. The users must know them to buy them as necessities.NuWave and the typical air fryers

Difference in size

The NuWave ovens are not only larger but also heavier than typical air fryers. Air fryers typically range in size from 1.5 qt to 2 qt (1.42 to 1.89 liters), but NuWave air fryers start at 4.5 qt (4.25 liters).

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Digital temperature probe

This feature is very important for preventing overheating of specific foods. NuWave products can calculate the temperature of the food. So, these products can stop heating the foods immediately after completing cooking, even if you are not staying at the place.

But the air fryers do not include this technology. You must turn off a typical air fryer after completing the heating process; otherwise, the food will be burned.

A wireless food thermometer is also suitable for use to receive temperature notifications for specific foods. But this device is not appropriate with an air fryer. As a result, as an air fryer user, you should monitor the food condition throughout the cooking process.


The heating and frying processes of a NuWave and an air fryer are totally different. If you use a NuWave, you can get crispy foods easily. The NuWave Brio circulates heat to all parts of the food.

But air fryers are not appropriate for giving food crispiness like a NuWave. Top-down heat circulation is used in the heating process of an air fryer.

Easier maintenance

If you compare an air fryer and a NuWave, you will feel that using an air fryer is easier than using a NuWave. Several parts of NuWave should be taken care of separately.

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NuWave oven vs. air fryer: Which is better?

Undoubtedly, NuWave is better at cooking. It gives you more crispness.

You can also use an air fryer to make the foods crispy, but you must maintain the amount of food.

The larger space of the NuWave ovens helps you cook more foods at a time. So, if there are more members in your family, the NuWave is a better option than using an air fryer at home.

But do not be frustrated as an air fryer user because it gives you easier maintenance abilities. So, when you use the air fryer, you should not be worried about its care and durability, as simple care will help you get the proper value for your money.

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Final thoughts

So, if you purchase a NuWave oven, you can do several things, as well as frying. However, you must be careful about the proper care of the NuWave; otherwise, it may not be a beneficiary item for you.

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