What Can be Used as a Substitute If You Do Not Have Soy Sauce?

Last Updated on April 2, 2022

Soy sauce is one of the most commonly used ingredients in our kitchens and restaurants to cook daily items. It provides us with salt, sweetness, umami (savory), and a little bitter flavor. Its good taste makes it a necessary condiment to prepare our preferred food items. Do you want to avoid soy sauce? Are you not finding it in your kitchen? Soy sauce is an essential item for cooking our foods, and it is not easy to find many replacements for soy sauce. But there are some substitutes for soy sauce that will make your recipe better. Though Asian people use it extensively in their various cuisines, the people of other regions of the planet also use it significantly. You might find soy sauce in many recipes.

What is soy sauce, and how do you make it?

Soy sauce is an ingredient to cook food and a condiment known as soy and soya sauce. It is a liquid condiment that comes from China. Soy sauce is made with many items: the fermented paste of soya beans, a fermenting agent, and aspergillus, oryzae, or aspergillus sojae molds. You can also use wheat, salt, roasted grain, or brine to prepare soy sauce at home to make soy sauce. The consecutive coagulating method is drenching soybeans for several hours and steaming them. 

A long time is needed to make traditional soy sauce, even more than a month. If you want to make this, drench and cook the soybeans, then burn and crush the wheat. Inoculate the mixture with kozi, mix it with salt, and leave it to be thick. You have to squeeze the liquid from the tenacious ingredient, pasteurize and bottle it, and finally take it to your table. 

In all centuries and regions, soy sauce does not taste the same. There are unceasing varieties and flavors of the item. 

Does soy sauce have any side effects?

Soy sauce is an essential item in our daily needs. But there are some problems with it. Soy sauce is a common allergen. If you have an allergy problem, you can not take soy sauce, and you have to find an alternative to the food. The research says that 0.4 percent of children have soy allergies globally. Many children outdo their allergies; some do not. 

There is another problem with why people want to avoid soy sauce. It contains gluten in it. Gluten is a  problem for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance problems. It also contains high-level sodium. So do not lose hope; there are some substitutes for soy sauce, and you can replace them and prepare your dishes easily. 

8 Healthy Soy Sauce Substitutes You Must Try

For the lack of soy sauce in your house or the harmful effects of soy sauce for any reason, you have many options to replace it. If you do not think it is suitable, you can use the other options. The alternatives will make your cuisine better and help be suitable replacements for soy sauce.

Coconut amino sauce

Coconut amino sauce alternative for Soy SauceCoconut amino sauce is one of the best soy sauce alternatives to collect quickly. Fermented coconut palm sap is needed to make the substitute. Coconut amino sauce is a gluten-free and vegan soy sauce substitute. Coconut amino sauce contains 90 grams of sodium per serving, which is less than soy sauce. It is not full of traditional soy sauce, providing different flavors but not coconut. Coconut amino is not a very important source of nutrition. Still, it is a suitable type of food for those who have dietary restrictions about some foods for allergies or other health problems. 

The raw coconut and coconut palms include potassium, zinc, magnesium, and antioxidants necessary to improve health. You can also use different coconut substitutes instead. In all scientific research, coconut amino sauce is a healthy substitute for soy sauce to affect the human body positively. 


Tamari as substitute for Soy sauceThe Japanese version of soy sauce is tamari. One of the most helpful features of tamari is- that it contains little wheat or no wheat, and as a result, it is a bit gluten or gluten-free. If you do not deal with soy allergies and monitor your sodium intake, tamari will be a good substitute for soy sauce. You can also get it from soybeans and ferment it the same way, but it does not include wheat. As a result, it is gluten-free. Tamari usually looks darker than soy sauce. It has a more affluent nutrient and less salty taste than soy sauce. 

Fish sauce

Fish sauce as alternative for soy sauceFish sauce is a sauce smeared in salt with two years of fermentation made from fish and krill. Soy sauce and fish sauce are Asian condiments and are helpful in our daily cuisines. Fish sauce and soya sauce both are related to salt and are almost the same in their flavors. Soya sauce is from fermented soybeans; likewise, fish sauce is from fermented fish.

Fish sauce is lighter brown and lighter in shade than soy sauce and does not have turbidity. The fish sauce takes the role of salt and pepper in western foods; if you want to season the dishes, it is like a condiment to use for seasoning. The salty and savory taste of the fish sauce is helpful to add umami taste to various kinds of popular foods. You can also use it to marinade meats, put a pleasant outlook on your vegetables, or make the flavor of your soups or straws more lively and exciting.

Seasoning sauce

Seasoning sauce alternative for soy sauceSeasoning sauce is a large and fuzzy item to cover our delicious food items. It is a vast and undefined term that has many varieties of condiments. We can not consider soy sauce as it does not contain soya beans. But it has many similarities with soy sauce, having more features than soy sauce. So, you can easily use it instead of soy sauce. Seasoning sauce is dark, hydrolyzed, vegetable protein-based sauce and so good for our health. If you have to get a replacement for soy sauce, you would easily find seasoning sauce beside you. Seasoning sauce is made from fermented wheat protein and is very useful for the nutrients system of our health. In a tweak, it has all the substances to be an alternative to soy sauce. 

Worcestershire sauce

Worcestershire sauce alternative for soy sauceWorcestershire sauce combines vinegar, molasses, anchovies, garlic, tamarind extract, chili pepper extract, sugar, salt, a blend of malt vinegar, and many others. These are the essential ingredients to make Worcestershire sauce and give a unique flavor to it. It is a fermented liquid condiment that was created in Worcestershire, England. Worcestershire sauce has the same brothy, meaty, and savory flavor and quality as soy sauce. Moreover, It has less sodium and no soy or gluten. But if you have an allergy to seafood or shellfish, you can avoid it. Yet, Worcestershire is one of the best healthy alternatives to soy sauce. 

Dried Mushrooms

Dried Mushrooms as substitute for soy sauceIt is easy to say that dried mushrooms are gluten and soy-free, soy sauce, and low in sodium. If you want to use it instead of dried mushrooms, you first have to rehydrate the mushrooms in the water, then use the soaking liquid instead of soy sauce. It is not the best substitute closure to your hand; rather, some other alternatives can be better than it. But if you want to get a brothy, meaty, and savory taste, you can utilize dried mushrooms instead of soy sauce. Dried mushrooms have fewer nutrients, but you can store them for a longer time. Dried mushrooms are affluent in flavor. 

Miso Paste

Miso Paste as substitute for soy sauceMiso paste is also a fermented element and a traditional Japanese seasoning made from soybeans like soy sauce. Japanese fermented soybeans are needed to make miso paste. You can use this ingredient as an excellent alternative to soy sauce. The name `Miso’ comes from South Chinese or Korean, which means flavoring sauce. It is a staple item of Japanese cooking. Its umami and savory flavor give the dishes a preferable thickness. It has similarities to soy sauce as being salty and spicy. Miso paste can be one of the most necessary items as an essential alternative and a delicious food item. 


Salt alternative for soy sauceAre you thinking that I am joking? Not at all, because soy sauce is similar to salt as the seasonings for foods. If you utilize soy sauce to season your food, you can also use salt instead of it. As a substitute for soy sauce, you will use a pinch of salt, but you must remember that you will lose the umami feature.  

Final Thoughts on Soya Sauce Substitutes

The replacements are indispensable for finding a substitute when there is no soy sauce stock. To avoid gluten, you may also find many alternatives to soy sauce. As it is an essential item in our kitchen and restaurant, we have to manage it when we need it. Otherwise, if we cannot get it, we must use another substitute. The person with a soy allergy should find out replacements because of their health and eating capacity. It is better to find the best replacement than to fall ill from food poisoning, allergies, or other reasons. Also, when you are looking for items that do not get rotten quickly, The alternatives’ salty, tangy, and savory features and tastes will help you collect the best.


Does soy sauce spoil?

Soy sauce does not spoil quickly. But it can not keep the perfect quality for a long time. You will notice that when your bottle of soy sauce is unopened, you can keep it fresh for about two years after the expiry date passes. But, when you break the seal, open it, and keep it at room temperature, you will get its excellent quality for about a month. Then it will gradually lose its quality and good flavor. In the fridge, you can keep it safe for about half a year.  

Can I take soy sauce if I have a soy allergy?

The most significant way to get rid of soy allergy is to avoid soy and soy proteins. If anyone has a soy allergy, he can safely eat the items containing soy lecithin or highly refined soy oil. But he should avoid cold-pressed, expelled, or extruded soy oil which is sometimes called gourmet oil.

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